My Story

I’m now ready, a year later, to tell my story.

Firstly, I’m in no way writing this for attention, I am writing this to raise awareness and also to show that things DO get better and you CAN get through whatever you are going through.



Trigger warning for • sexual assault • homelessness • pregnancy •



This is back in November 2018-March 2019. I had just found out that I was pregnant to someone that I didn’t want to be pregnant to. I was broken. I was lost. I was well and truely ready to give up.

I was living outside of a service station in Sydney. Completely alone. Scared to tell anyone; friends and family; what had happened.

I had moved to Sydney in September of 2018, living with other students in a house in Strathfield. Close to the train station, commuting to Hyde Park every day for university. Life was GOOD. I even had 2 jobs, working 5 days a week, ‘casually’, at 3 different childcare centres!

I just knew no one.

Until I resorted to a Sydney Facebook group to meet friends. I met this one girl on there. She invited me over one day, so I got my stuff together for a night away and got on the train to go and visit her (looking back, horrible idea!!).

Got to her place in Western Sydney & she introduced me to her brother. Big guy, scary looking, tattoos, 35 years old. I WAS BLOODY FRESHLY 21!

Anyway, I wasn’t interested.

Later on, I ended up getting manipulated into moving in with these people. This was September/October.

Come some night in late November, this guy and myself were in his bed watching movies. Next minute, things get weird. He gets the TV remote and turns up the TV… for some reason, I thought nothing of this.

Couple minutes later, he starts undressing me, all while I’m screaming at him to “stop”. This feels like an eternity. I keep telling him to “stop” but he just continues.

Mind you, this guy is a big built guy!

He proceeds further (I’m sure you know what I mean) and I reach for the remote to turn down the TV so that I can call out to his sister or her husband to “help” but I can’t quite reach the remote.

He finishes, I’m screaming.

I knew that I was due to ovulate around the 1st December so I was literally freaking.

I knew it. I was pregnant.

Come middle of December, I haven’t had my period so I decide to take a test.

Sure enough, two lines. Despite being faint.

I take another one, the same. And then a digital: pregnant (these all are posted in my Instagram in early on posts).

Come after Christmas, I’m kicked out of the house, pregnant, expected to fend for myself. I have no house (having being forced to leave my student accommodation to come live with him & his family). I have nothing. Except 1 suitcase.

Fast forward a year & I have the most gorgeous baby girl that is my little miracle.

Lola Ivy-Grace was born 24 July 2019, due 24 August prematurely (5 weeks early) via Caesar. Lola had many issues both on the inside and on her entry to life, but she’s my trophy. My proof that I got through the worst of the worst.

Here are the photos from that time.

Here I am, a heavy smoker. A heavy energy drink drinker. Without a home, just left with a suitcase at early pregnancy up until 12/15 weeks pregnant, to fend for myself.

I’m not sharing this because I want attention, I’m sharing this because of how far I have come.

A year later, I have a 5 month old, I’m healthy, I’m happy, I’m a successful business owner, living my dreams and running for my goals at 22 years of age ALL ON MY OWN 👏🏼

What is Arbonne?

Arbonne is a Swiss company, founded by a man named Petter Mørck. The company has been around for 39 years.

Petter came together with leading biochemists, biologists & herbalists in order to start Arbonne.

Arbonne skincare products, based on botanical principles, came to fruition in the United States in 1980 and are now shared throughout the world by a growing network of Arbonne Independent Consultants. Building on these same founding principles, the product line has since grown to include both inner and outer health and beauty products that are unparalleled in quality, safety, value, benefits and results.

The wonderful thing about Arbonne is that it’s not just about great products — it’s also about great people. The Arbonne family is made up of thousands of individuals working to make their dreams come true. Through sales incentives and rewards, travel opportunities, a competitive SuccessPlan and great products, Arbonne offers a unique opportunity that can help make anyone’s vision for the future a reality.

In my previous post, you’d have read that I have come through to Arbonne with previously being in other Network Marketing companies — fortunately — Arbonne is much much different to those companies. Those other companies I was with had many levels of promotions and was very hard to rank up. Fortunately, with Arbonne, there is only 4 levels of management and the activity’s needed to rank up isn’t as exhaustive! Not only that, Arbonne products are highly consumable. Everyone has skin, everyone eats, everyone wants to be healthy, everyone loves natural products, everyone should be taking showers, everyone should be brushing their teeth, everyone should be washing their hands… so everyone uses these products on an everyday basis & everyone comes back to re-purchase once they run out! 💯👏🏼

This is why I love Arbonne so much, it’s something that WORKS!

Grace xo

About Me

I’m Grace, I’m 22 years old from Tamworth, NSW Australia. I have a lot of experience in business & network marketing.

I work my business within a company called Arbonne. I have a team currently of 15 amazing ladies and I cannot wait to grow my team!

I started my business with Arbonne on June 9th 2019. Previously to working with Arbonne; I have worked alongside It Works, Younique, NuSkin & PartyLite. Unfortunately, those companies did not work for me and I didn’t enjoy the work, nor did I enjoy the products. I, personally, love Arbonne because the products are super consumable! People come back when they run out!

I’m also a mother to my 10 week old daughter, Lola and am really passionate about helping other single mothers to stay home with their babies, too!

Along with all these businesses I’ve done, I’ve also done my fair share of study! I really love learning new things! I’ve studied and completed my Diploma in Early Childhood Education & Care, Diploma of Education Support and I have also been previously enrolled in Nutrition, Personal Training, Teaching, Beauty, Interior Design & Psychology. I chose to leave those as I didn’t feel passionate about them like I did in the beginning.

I hope you can relate to me in one way or another, if you would like to check out my Consultancy Application, Review Link, YouTube Channel, etc. visit my at 💯

Grace xo